Burnout and abuse in health care.

Fiche publication

Date publication

mars 2005


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr DUBREZ Laurence

Tous les auteurs :
Daloz L, Benony H, Frenisy MC, Chahraoui K


Burnout theory makes use of the concept of depersonalization which is sometimes caused by acts of abuse. Nevertheless, staff are eager and happy to talk about it, thus making this state an easy way of approaching exhausted-abusing carers. Abuse has its origins here in the everyday life of institutions. Devoid of any genuine intention and with no meaning associated with it, it is the result of mental suffering. Burnout turns carers into the perpetrators of abuse, performing their acts in a disembodied, dehumanized way. Burnout-related abuse has to be differentiated from simple incompetence or perversion. Research interviews point to an absence of consciousness of the subjective or objective consequences of the perpetrators' actions. The concept of burnout would therefore appear to be useful as an analytical model for abuse among carers. It also opens the path towards a study of the perpetrators of abuse rather than just its victims.


Ann Med-psychol. 2005 Mar;163(2):156-60.