Identification using phage display of peptides promoting targeting and internalization into HPV-transformed cell lines.

Fiche publication

Date publication

mars 2005


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :

Tous les auteurs :
Robinson P, Stuber D, Deryckere F, Tedbury P, Lagrange M, Orfanoudakis G


'High-risk' human papilloma viruses (HPVs) cause cervical tumours. In order to treat these tumours therapeutic approaches must be developed that efficiently target the tumour cells. Using phage display, we selected tumour-targeting peptides from a library of constrained nonamer peptides presented multivalently on pVIII of M13. Three different consensus peptide sequences were isolated by biopanning on HPV16-transformed SiHa cells. The corresponding phage-peptides targeted and were internalized in HPV16 transformed SiHa and CaSki cells as well as in HPV18-transformed HeLa cells, but failed to bind a panel of normal or transformed cell lines. Two of the three selected peptides targeted cells only when presented on phage particles in a constrained conformation. However, all three peptides retained their targeting capacity when presented on the reporter protein enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) in a monovalent form. These peptides may be useful for the design of drug or gene delivery vectors for the treatment of cervical cancer.


J Mol Recognit. 2005 Mar-Apr;18(2):175-82.