Image resolution in reflection scanning near-field optical microscopy using shear-force feedback: characterization with a spline and Fourier spectrum.

Fiche publication

Date publication

avril 1997


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr PIERALLI Christian

Tous les auteurs :
Barchiesi D, Bergossi O, Spajer M, Pieralli C


Scanning near-field optical microscopes (SNOM's) actually lead to nanometric lateral resolution. A combination with shear-force feedback is sometimes used to keep the SNOM tip at a constant force from the sample. However, resolutions in shear-force and optical data are different. An estimation of both resolutions is important for characterizing the capabilities of such systems. The basic principle of the measurement is to compare a spline-fitted logarithm of the power spectra calculated with the optical image with that of the shear force image in which resolution is determined a priori. Quantitative results are given in the case of periodic or untested sample and simulated data. Moreover the accuracy and the stability of the method are discussed.


Appl Opt. 1997 Apr 1;36(10):2171-7.