Update of survival and cost of metastatic melanoma with new drugs: Estimations from the MelBase cohort.

Fiche publication

Date publication

octobre 2018


European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990)


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr AUBIN François, Dr GRANEL-BROCARD Florence

Tous les auteurs :
Kandel M, Allayous C, Dalle S, Mortier L, Dalac S, Dutriaux C, Leccia MT, Guillot B, Saiag P, Lacour JP, Legoupil D, Lesimple T, Aubin F, Beylot-Barry M, Brunet-Possenti F, Arnault JP, Granel-Brocard F, Stoebner PE, Dupuy A, Maubec E, Grob JJ, Dreno B, Rotolo F, Ballon A, Michiels S, Lebbe C, Borget I


Since 2011, significant progress was observed in metastatic melanoma (MM), with the commercialisation of seven immunotherapies or targeted therapies, which showed significant improvement in survival. In France, in 2004, the cost of MM was estimated at €1634 per patient; this cost has not been re-estimated since. This study provided an update on survival and cost in real-life clinical practice.

Mots clés

Cost, Immunotherapy, Metastatic melanoma, Real-life clinical practice, Survival, Targeted therapy


Eur. J. Cancer. 2018 Oct 29;105:33-40