Relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukemia retreated with rituximab: interim results of the PERLE study.

Fiche publication

Date publication

juin 2017


Leukemia & lymphoma


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :

Tous les auteurs :
Chaoui D, Choquet S, Sanhes L, Mahé B, Hacini M, Fitoussi O, Arkam Y, Orfeuvre H, Dilhuydy MS, Barry M, Jourdan E, Dreyfus B, Tempescul A, Leprêtre S, Bardet A, Leconte P, Maynadié M, Delmer A


This prospective non-interventional study assessed the management of relapsed/refractory CLL after one or two treatments with rituximab, and retreatment with a rituximab-based regimen. An interim analysis was performed at the end of the induction period in 192 evaluable patients. Median age was 72 years [35-89], first relapse (55%), and second relapse (45%). Rituximab administered during first (68%), second (92%), or both treatment lines (20%). R-bendamustine administered in 56% of patients, R-purine analogs (21%), and R-alkylating agents (19%). The overall response rate (ORR) was 74.6%, in favor of R-purine analogs (90%), R-bendamustine (75%), and R-alkylating agents (69%). Lower ORR in Del 17p patients (43%) and third time rituximab (31%). Most frequent adverse events were hematological (23% patients) including neutropenia (11%) and infections (12%); grade 3/4 AEs (23% patients), mainly hematological (18%); death during induction treatment (7%). This first large study focusing on relapsed/refractory CLL patients retreated with rituximab-based regimens is still ongoing.

Mots clés

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia, chemotherapy, relapsed/refractory CLL, rituximab


Leuk. Lymphoma. 2017 Jun;58(6):1366-1375