Interaction between Liénard and Ikeda dynamics in a nonlinear electro-optical oscillator with delayed bandpass feedback.

Fiche publication

Date publication

décembre 2016


Physical review. E


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr LARGER Laurent

Tous les auteurs :
Marquez BA, Larger L, Brunner D, Chembo YK, Jacquot M


We report on experimental and theoretical analysis of the complex dynamics generated by a nonlinear time-delayed electro-optic bandpass oscillator. We investigate the interaction between the slow- and fast-scale dynamics of autonomous oscillations in the breather regime. We analyze in detail the coupling between the fast-scale behavior associated to a characteristic low-pass Ikeda behavior and the slow-scale dynamics associated to a Liénard limit-cycle. Finally, we show that when projected onto a two-dimensional phase space, the attractors corresponding to periodic and chaotic breathers display a spiral-like pattern, which strongly depends on the shape of the nonlinear function.


Phys Rev E. 2016 Dec;94(6-1):062208