[Use of HPV virologic test for atypical glandular cells in Alsace between 2014 and 2016].

Fiche publication

Date publication

juillet 2019


Gynecologie, obstetrique, fertilite & senologie


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr BALDAUF Jean-Jacques, Pr AKLADIOS Chérif

Tous les auteurs :
Goillot V, Marie P, Delaitre A, Akladios C, Baldauf JJ, Lecointre L


The new recommendations by the National Institute of Cancer (January 2017), recommend the use of a complementary human papillomavirus (HPV) virologic test during the diagnosis of atypical glandular cells in pap smear. The aim of this study was the performance analysis of the HPV virologic test for the detection of significant histological cervical abnormalities (CIN2 or more) in case of atypical glandular cells before the new recommendations were published.

Mots clés

Atypies glandulaires, HPV virologic test, atypical glandular cells, frottis cervico-utérin, pap smear, test virologique HPV


Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2019 Jul 20;: