Platelet preparation for function testing in the laboratory and clinic: Historical and practical aspects.

Fiche publication

Date publication

octobre 2019


Research and practice in thrombosis and haemostasis


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr GACHET Christian

Tous les auteurs :
Hechler B, Dupuis A, Mangin PH, Gachet C


Laboratory tests of platelet function are instrumental in studying platelet physiology and inherited or acquired platelet abnormalities. Light transmission aggregometry, developed in the early 1960s, is still considered the gold standard for the identification and diagnosis of platelet function disorders. Since then, novel techniques have been developed, including flow-based assays and flow cytometry. In this tutorial, we describe the basic methodologies for the preparation of citrated platelet-rich plasma and washed platelet suspensions and discuss their respective advantages and limitations as well as important factors to consider to perform high-quality tests of platelet function. In addition, the methodologies of the main platelet function tests (light transmission aggregation, flow-based assays, and flow cytometric assays) are described, and their respective strengths and limitations are discussed to assess various aspects of platelet biology.

Mots clés

flow cytometry, hemostasis, platelet aggregation, platelet function tests, platelet‐rich plasma


Res Pract Thromb Haemost. 2019 Oct;3(4):615-625