Subjective Analysis of the Filling of an Acetabular Osteolytic Lesion Following Percutaneous Cementoplasty: Is It Reliable?

Fiche publication

Date publication

décembre 2019


Cardiovascular and interventional radiology


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr GANGI Afshin, Dr GARNON Julien, Pr BAYLE Bernard, Dr CAZZATO Roberto-Luigi

Tous les auteurs :
Garnon J, Meylheuc L, De Marini P, Auloge P, Mayer T, Dalili D, Cazzato RL, Bayle B, Gangi A


To study the interobserver agreement for the analysis of lesion filling following cementoplasty of an acetabular osteolytic lesion, and investigate how subjective analysis compares to volumetric analysis.

Mots clés

Acetabulum, Cementoplasty, Lesion filling, Volumetry


Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2019 Dec 19;: