How Does Circadian Rhythm Impact Salt Sensitivity of Blood Pressure in Mice? A Study in Two Close C57Bl/6 Substrains.

Fiche publication

Date publication

janvier 2016


PloS one


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr HERAULT Yann, Dr SORG Tania

Tous les auteurs :
Combe R, Mudgett J, El Fertak L, Champy MF, Ayme-Dietrich E, Petit-Demoulière B, Sorg T, Herault Y, Madwed JB, Monassier L


Mouse transgenesis has provided the unique opportunity to investigate mechanisms underlying sodium kidney reabsorption as well as end organ damage. However, understanding mouse background and the experimental conditions effects on phenotypic readouts of engineered mouse lines such as blood pressure presents a challenge. Despite the ability to generate high sodium and chloride plasma levels during high-salt diet, observed changes in blood pressure are not consistent between wild-type background strains and studies.

Mots clés

Animals, Blood Pressure, drug effects, Blood Pressure Determination, methods, Circadian Rhythm, physiology, Diet, Sodium-Restricted, Heart Rate, drug effects, Hypertension, chemically induced, Male, Mice, Inbred C57BL, genetics, Potassium, blood, Sodium, blood, Sodium Chloride, Dietary, adverse effects, Sodium, Dietary, adverse effects, Telemetry


PLoS ONE. 2016 ;11(4):e0153472