The denial of the complexity of chronic pain: Poorly treated mental part.

Fiche publication

Date publication

mars 2014


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :

Tous les auteurs :
Derzelle M


Patients with chronic pain often want to obtain a diagnosis and treatments from a practitioner that supports them in their conviction of organicity in order to protect themselves against difficult and painful concerns. Therefore, it is pertinent to evoke a real collusion between the request and the numerous reductive derivatives of modern medicine, often clearly choosing denial of the complexity of variable dependants (psychological, social and environmental) when providing care services. The epistemological obstacles marking the limits of the knowledge and medical abilities redouble here the gap of the patients of another gap, making a shift of an organic conviction versus a "somato-psychic" one even more difficult. A linguistic masking through somatic diagnoses, semantic and conceptual shifts with regard to the definition of pain versus a "disease", allowing a purely somatic acess, are just as much modalities of a "failure" of subjectivity ... Has an exposure of patients at risk of their conditions becoming chronic to be classified as poor treatment or as a form of iatrogenitics? Does a choice of denial of some in order to protect themselves against all ethical suffering justify the risk-taking of patients as well as a significant social cost that we also have to take into account? (C) 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


Ann Med-psychol. 2014 Mar;172(2):136-8.