Biomechanics of the Osseous Pelvis and Its Implication for Consolidative Treatments in Interventional Oncology.

Fiche publication

Date publication

août 2020


Cardiovascular and interventional radiology


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr GANGI Afshin, Dr GARNON Julien, Pr BAYLE Bernard, Dr CAZZATO Roberto-Luigi

Tous les auteurs :
Garnon J, Jennings JW, Meylheuc L, Auloge P, Weiss J, Koch G, Caudrelier J, Cazzato RL, Bayle B, Gangi A


The osseous pelvis is a frequent site of metastases. Alteration of bone integrity may lead to pain but also to functional disability and pathological fractures. Percutaneous image-guided minimally invasive procedures, such as cementoplasty and screw fixation, have emerged as a viable option to provide bone reinforcement and fracture fixation, as stand-alone or combined techniques. Understanding the biomechanics of the osseous pelvis is paramount to tailor the treatment to the clinical situation. The purpose of the present review is to present the biomechanics of the osseous pelvis and discuss its implication for the choice of the optimal consolidative treatment.

Mots clés

Biomechanics, Cementoplasty, Osseous pelvis, Pelvic bone, Percutaneous screw fixation, Sacrum


Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2020 Aug 26;: