
Fiche publication

Date publication

octobre 2020


Sante publique (Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France)


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr AUBRY Régis

Tous les auteurs :
Bondier M, Olivier F, Aubry R


Access to palliative care is a right recognized in France since 1999. Various care systems are present in the field of palliative care, and in particular the Identified Palliative Care Beds (LISP), which aim to promote the deployment of the palliative culture and approach in care services regularly confronted with palliative situations and whose organizational reference framework is mentioned in DHOS/O2/2008/99 of 25 March 2008. Although the system is widely deployed in hospitals, there is still some uncertainty about the actual functioning of LISPs and the impact of the system on these initial objectives. The LISP study thus proposes to question the contribution of LISPs to the deployment of culture and palliative care in healthcare services.


Sante Publique. 2020 Oct 12;Vol. 32(4):339-346