Insect decline: immediate action is needed.

Fiche publication

Date publication

février 2021


Comptes rendus biologies


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr IMLER Jean-Luc

Tous les auteurs :
Jactel H, Imler JL, Lambrechts L, Failloux AB, Lebreton JD, Maho YL, Duplessy JC, Cossart P, Grandcolas P


Insects appeared more than 400 million years ago and they represent the richest and most diverse taxonomic group with several million species. Yet, under the combined effect of the loss of natural habitats, the intensification of agriculture with massive use of pesticides, global warming and biological invasions, insects show alarming signs of decline. Although difficult to quantify, species extinction and population reductions are confirmed for many ecosystems. This results in a loss of services such as the pollination of plants, including food crops, the recycling of organic matter, the supply of goods such as honey and the stability of food webs. It is therefore urgent to halt the decline of Insects. We recommend implementing long-term monitoring of populations, tackling the causes of insect decline by reducing the use of synthetic insecticides, preserving natural habitats, and reinventing a positive relationship between humans and insects.

Mots clés

Biodiversity, Conservation, Decline, Global change, Insect


C R Biol. 2021 Feb 4;343(3):267-293