Training novice in ultrasound-guided venipuncture: A randomized controlled trial comparing out-of-plane needle-guided versus free-hand ultrasound techniques on a simulator.

Fiche publication

Date publication

octobre 2020


The journal of vascular access


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr RAFT Julien

Tous les auteurs :
Raft J, Dupanloup D, Clerc-Urmès I, Baumann C, Richebé P, Bouaziz H


Peripheral intravenous access is a common medical procedure, however, it can be difficult to perform in some patients. Success rates have proved greater with ultrasound guidance. Peripheral intravenous access using ultrasound requires specific training, especially for new ultrasound users. To overcome these difficulties, guidance devices on ultrasound probes are able to control the angle of penetration into tissues. We hypothesized that, and particularly for new ultrasound users, the use of a needle guide (NG) paired with the out-of-plane approach would facilitate puncture of a simulation model of vessel more effectively than similar free hand (FH) techniques.

Mots clés

Needle guide, cannulation, simulation, ultrasound guidance


J Vasc Access. 2020 Oct 8;:1129729820962916