Distinct Roles of Hemocytes at Different Stages of Infection by Dengue and Zika Viruses in Mosquitoes.

Fiche publication

Date publication

janvier 2021


Frontiers in immunology


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr IMLER Jean-Luc

Tous les auteurs :
Leite THJF, Ferreira ÁGA, Imler JL, Marques JT


mosquitoes are vectors for arboviruses of medical importance such as dengue (DENV) and Zika (ZIKV) viruses. Different innate immune pathways contribute to the control of arboviruses in the mosquito vector including RNA interference, Toll and Jak-STAT pathways. However, the role of cellular responses mediated by circulating macrophage-like cells known as hemocytes remains unclear. Here we show that hemocytes are recruited to the midgut of mosquitoes in response to DENV or ZIKV. Blockade of the phagocytic function of hemocytes using latex beads induced increased accumulation of hemocytes in the midgut and a reduction in virus infection levels in this organ. In contrast, inhibition of phagocytosis by hemocytes led to increased systemic dissemination and replication of DENV and ZIKV. Hence, our work reveals a dual role for hemocytes in mosquitoes, whereby phagocytosis is not required to control viral infection in the midgut but is essential to restrict systemic dissemination. Further understanding of the mechanism behind this duality could help the design of vector-based strategies to prevent transmission of arboviruses.

Mots clés

Aedes aegypti, Zika virus, cellular immunity, dengue virus, hemocytes, macrophage-like cells, vector mosquitoes


Front Immunol. 2021 ;12:660873