Fertility preservation and sperm donation in transgender individuals: the current situation within the French CECOS network.

Fiche publication

Date publication

juillet 2021




Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr KOSCINSKI Isabelle, Dr DELEPINE Béatrice

Tous les auteurs :
Eustache F, Drouineaud V, Mendes N, Delépine B, Dupont C, Mirallié S, Papaxanthos A, Metzler-Guillemain C, Rives-Feraille A, Magnan F, Grèze C, Hennebicq S, Koscinski I, Drapier H, Frapsauce C, Mayeur A, Carlotti MA, Mons J, Schmitt F, May-Panloup P, Blagosklonov O, Brugnon F, Mestres S, Cabry R, Fauque P, Loup-Cabaniols V, Ravel C, Lévy R, Patrat C, Thibault E, Frydman N, Bujan L, Morinière C, Ducrocq B, Rives N


Many studies reported that reproductive desire could be high among transgender (TG) individuals. In France, fertility preservation (FP) and sperm donation were very little proposed to TG individuals until recently, mainly because the Bioethics Law allows the use of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) only in infertile couples and prohibits surrogacy.

Mots clés

TAYAS, fertility preservation, gamete donation, sex reassignment, transgender men, transgender women


Andrology. 2021 Jul 8;: