Basics of immunotherapy for epithelial ovarian cancer.

Fiche publication

Date publication

décembre 2021


Journal of gynecology obstetrics and human reproduction


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr EBERST Lauriane, Pr AKLADIOS Chérif

Tous les auteurs :
Bund V, Azaïs H, Bibi-Triki S, Lecointre L, Betrian SB, Angeles MA, Eberst L, Faller E, Boisramé T, Bendifallah S, Akladios C, Deluche É,


Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is the most lethal of all gynecological cancers. Despite excellent responses to standard treatment in approximately 70% of patients, most of them will relapse within 5 years of initial treatment and many of them will develop chemotherapy-resistant disease. It is then important to find other means of treatment for these patients such as immunotherapy or targeted therapy. To understand immunotherapy, it is important to explain the dynamic interplay between cancer and the immune system. Compared to traditional tumor therapies, immunotherapy acts primarily on the immune system or the tumor microenvironment but not directly on the tumor cells, and it may also promote synergistic anti-tumor actions as part of a combined treatment. The aim of this narrative review is to provide a basic understanding of immunotherapy the interest of this treatment in EOC, and to present the main ongoing studies that could change patient management in the future.

Mots clés

epithelial ovarian cancer, immune checkpoint, tumor microenvironment, immunotherapy


J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2021 Dec 4;:102283