Role and Training of the Bedside Surgeon in Robotic Surgery: A Survey Among French Urologists-in-Training.

Fiche publication

Date publication

janvier 2022


Research and reports in urology


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr ESCHWEGE Pascal, Pr HUBERT Jacques

Tous les auteurs :
Lagrange F, Fiard G, Larose C, Eschwege P, Hubert J


Due to the development of robotic surgery, surgeons operating at the console are physically separated from the patient. They must rely on help from an assistant, also called bedside surgeon. This study aimed to investigate the habits and practices of French urologic residents when performing this role and to determine whether they expected specific training to qualify as bedside surgeons.

Mots clés

education, residency, robot, robotic training, surgical training


Res Rep Urol. 2022 ;14:17-22