The Impact of an Incidental Dose on Axillary Tumor Control and Toxicity in Localized Breast Cancer: A Retrospective Analysis.

Fiche publication

Date publication

février 2022




Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr NOEL Georges, Pr PETIT Thierry, Mme CHAMBRELANT Isabelle

Tous les auteurs :
Schmitt M, Chambrelant I, Hong Chheang P, Pflumio C, Hild C, Petit T, Noël G


The dosimetric analysis of the incidental axillary dose delivered to axillary lymph node levels I-III by different techniques of whole breast irradiation and the analysis of prognostic factors of axillary recurrence of breast cancer.

Mots clés

axillary lymph node, breast carcinoma, dosimetric analysis, intensity-modulated radiotherapy, radiotherapy, three-dimensional radiotherapy


Cancers (Basel). 2022 Feb 4;14(3):