Safety, Immunogenicity, and 1-Year Efficacy of Universal Cancer Peptide-Based Vaccine in Patients With Refractory Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A Phase Ib/Phase IIa De-Escalation Study.

Fiche publication

Date publication

septembre 2022


Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr ADOTEVI Olivier, Pr BORG Christophe, Dr DEBIEUVRE Didier, Mme JACQUIN Marion, Pr WESTEEL Virginie, Mme LAHEURTE Caroline, Dr VERNEREY Dewi, Dr FAVIER Laure, Pr MASCAUX Céline, Pr HOCQUET Didier, Dr KROEMER Marie, Mme MEURISSE Aurélia

Tous les auteurs :
Adotévi O, Vernerey D, Jacoulet P, Meurisse A, Laheurte C, Almotlak H, Jacquin M, Kaulek V, Boullerot L, Malfroy M, Orillard E, Eberst G, Lagrange A, Favier L, Gainet-Brun M, Doucet L, Teixeira L, Ghrieb Z, Clairet AL, Guillaume Y, Kroemer M, Hocquet D, Moltenis M, Limat S, Quoix E, Mascaux C, Debieuvre D, Fagnoni-Legat C, Borg C, Westeel V


Universal cancer peptide-based vaccine (UCPVax) is a therapeutic vaccine composed of two highly selected helper peptides to induce CD4+ T helper-1 response directed against telomerase. This phase Ib/IIa trial was designed to test the safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy of a three-dose schedule in patients with metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC).


J Clin Oncol. 2022 09 7;:JCO2200096