OMIXCARE: OMICS technologies solved about 33% of the patients with heterogeneous rare neuro-developmental disorders and negative exome sequencing results and identified 13% additional candidate variants.

Fiche publication

Date publication

octobre 2022


Frontiers in cell and developmental biology


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr CALLIER Patrick, Pr FAIVRE Laurence, Pr PHILIPPE Christophe, Mr DUFFOURD Yannis, Pr THAUVIN-ROBINET Christel

Tous les auteurs :
Colin E, Duffourd Y, Tisserant E, Relator R, Bruel AL, Tran Mau-Them F, Denommé-Pichon AS, Safraou H, Delanne J, Jean-Marçais N, Keren B, Isidor B, Vincent M, Mignot C, Heron D, Afenjar A, Heide S, Faudet A, Charles P, Odent S, Herenger Y, Sorlin A, Moutton S, Kerkhof J, McConkey H, Chevarin M, Poë C, Couturier V, Bourgeois V, Callier P, Boland A, Olaso R, Philippe C, Sadikovic B, Thauvin-Robinet C, Faivre L, Deleuze JF, Vitobello A


Patients with rare or ultra-rare genetic diseases, which affect 350 million people worldwide, may experience a diagnostic odyssey. High-throughput sequencing leads to an etiological diagnosis in up to 50% of individuals with heterogeneous neurodevelopmental or malformation disorders. There is a growing interest in additional omics technologies in translational research settings to examine the remaining unsolved cases. We gathered 30 individuals with malformation syndromes and/or severe neurodevelopmental disorders with negative trio exome sequencing and array comparative genomic hybridization results through a multicenter project. We applied short-read genome sequencing, total RNA sequencing, and DNA methylation analysis, in that order, as complementary translational research tools for a molecular diagnosis. The cohort was mainly composed of pediatric individuals with a median age of 13.7 years (4 years and 6 months to 35 years and 1 month). Genome sequencing alone identified at least one variant with a high level of evidence of pathogenicity in 8/30 individuals (26.7%) and at least a candidate disease-causing variant in 7/30 other individuals (23.3%). RNA-seq data in 23 individuals allowed two additional individuals (8.7%) to be diagnosed, confirming the implication of two pathogenic variants (8.7%), and excluding one candidate variant (4.3%). Finally, DNA methylation analysis confirmed one diagnosis identified by genome sequencing (Kabuki syndrome) and identified an episignature compatible with a BAFopathy in a patient with a clinical diagnosis of Coffin-Siris with negative genome and RNA-seq results in blood. Overall, our integrated genome, transcriptome, and DNA methylation analysis solved 10/30 (33.3%) cases and identified a strong candidate gene in 4/30 (13.3%) of the patients with rare neurodevelopmental disorders and negative exome sequencing results.

Mots clés

DNA methylation analysis, genome sequencing, transcriptome sequencing, translational research, undiagnosed neurodevelopmental diseases


Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022 10 28;10:1021785