[Oxytocin and its receptor: molecular and therapeutic approaches].

Fiche publication

Date publication

février 2023


Biologie aujourd'hui


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr HIBERT Marcel

Tous les auteurs :
Hibert M


It is known since the fifties that oxytocin is a neurohormone synthesized in the brain and released in blood circulation to trigger uterus contraction during delivery. It is also involved in milk ejection during breast-feeding. Over the past 25 years, many other central and peripheral functions have been discovered, in particular for attachment between child and parents as well as between individuals and interaction between a human being and its social group. Over this period, we have studied the functional supramolecular architecture of the hormone bound to its receptor. This information was used to design pharmacological probes and drug candidates. This led to the discovery of the first non-peptide oxytocin receptor full agonist. This molecule, LIT-001, restores social interaction in an animal model of autism and paves the way for a treatment of this neurodevelopmental disorder.

Mots clés

agoniste, autism, autisme, candidat médicament, drug candidate, interactions moléculaires, molecular interactions, ocytocine et son récepteur, oxytocin agonist, oxytocin and its receptor


Biol Aujourdhui. 2023 02 6;216(3-4):125-130