Multiple molecular diagnoses in the field of intellectual disability and congenital anomalies: 3.5% of all positive cases.

Fiche publication

Date publication

août 2023


Journal of medical genetics


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr FAIVRE Laurence, Pr PHILIPPE Christophe, Dr NAMBOT Sophie, Dr BENIGNI Charlotte, Mr DUFFOURD Yannis, Pr THAUVIN-ROBINET Christel

Tous les auteurs :
Racine C, Denommé-Pichon AS, Engel C, Tran Mau-Them F, Bruel AL, Vitobello A, Safraou H, Sorlin A, Nambot S, Delanne J, Garde A, Colin E, Moutton S, Thevenon J, Jean-Marçais N, Willems M, Geneviève D, Pinson L, Perrin L, Laffargue F, Lespinasse J, Lacaze E, Molin A, Gerard M, Lambert L, Benigni C, Patat O, , Bourgeois V, Poe C, Chevarin M, Couturier V, Garret P, Philippe C, Duffourd Y, Faivre L, Thauvin-Robinet C


Wide access to clinical exome/genome sequencing (ES/GS) enables the identification of multiple molecular diagnoses (MMDs), being a long-standing but underestimated concept, defined by two or more causal loci implicated in the phenotype of an individual with a rare disease. Only few series report MMDs rates (1.8% to 7.1%). This study highlights the increasing role of MMDs in a large cohort of individuals addressed for congenital anomalies/intellectual disability (CA/ID).

Mots clés

Genetic Variation, Genetics


J Med Genet. 2023 08 16;: