Multispectral filter arrays: recent advances and practical implementation.

Fiche publication

Date publication

novembre 2014


Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr GOUTON Pierre

Tous les auteurs :
Lapray PJ, Wang X, Thomas JB, Gouton P


Thanks to some technical progress in interferencefilter design based on different technologies, we can finally successfully implement the concept of multispectral filter array-based sensors. This article provides the relevant state-of-the-art for multispectral imaging systems and presents the characteristics of the elements of our multispectral sensor as a case study. The spectral characteristics are based on two different spatial arrangements that distribute eight different bandpass filters in the visible and near-infrared area of the spectrum. We demonstrate that the system is viable and evaluate its performance through sensor spectral simulation.


Sensors (Basel). 2014 Nov 17;14(11):21626-59