Experiencing and enduring patient distress: the distress of palliative care patients and its emotional impact on physicians in training.

Fiche publication

Date publication

juin 2024


BMC medical education


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr AUBRY Régis

Tous les auteurs :
Tarot A, Pithon M, Ridley A, Guastella V, Plancon M, Aubry R, Roussel HV, Maneval A


The extreme vulnerability experienced by patients in palliative care may result in significant distress. These patients require appropriate care while not pathologizing their natural distress. Given the challenges of caring for people experiencing significant distress, it is important to understand what professionals in training may feel when caring for patients in palliative care. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore how professionals in training feel when confronted with the distress of patients undergoing palliative care.

Mots clés

Medical psychology, Palliative care, Psychological distress


BMC Med Educ. 2024 06 26;24(1):696