Relationships between asbestos exposure and pleural plaques: dose and time effects using fractional polynomials.

Fiche publication

Date publication

juin 2024


Occupational and environmental medicine


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr THAON Isabelle

Tous les auteurs :
Menant M, Benlala I, Thaon I, Andujar P, Julia B, Brochard P, Chouaid C, Clin B, Gislard A, Gramond C, Paris C, Pairon JC, Delva F


The aim of this study was to confirm the relationship between several parameters of exposure to asbestos and pleural plaques (PP) using data from a large cohort of retired workers occupationally exposed to asbestos in France.

Mots clés

Asbestos, Epidemiology, Occupational Health


Occup Environ Med. 2024 06 26;: