Medulloblastomas with pathogenic variants: A weakly penetrant syndrome with a restricted spectrum in a limited age window.

Fiche publication

Date publication

mai 2024


Neuro-oncology advances


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr ENTZ-WERLE Natacha, Dr MAUGARD Christine

Tous les auteurs :
Guerrini-Rousseau L, Masliah-Planchon J, Filser M, Tauziède-Espariat A, Entz-Werle N, Maugard CM, Hopman SMJ, Torrejon J, Gauthier-Villars M, Simaga F, Blauwblomme T, Beccaria K, Rouleau E, Dimaria M, Grill J, Abbou S, Claret B, Brugières L, Doz F, Bouchoucha Y, Faure-Conter C, Bonadona V, Mansuy L, de Carli E, Ingster O, Legrand C, Pagnier A, Berthet P, Bodet D, Julia S, Bertozzi AI, Wilems M, Maurage CA, Delattre O, Ayrault O, Dufour C, Bourdeaut F


pathogenic variants (PV) have been recently identified as the most frequent variants predisposing to Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) medulloblastomas (MB); however, guidelines are still lacking for genetic counseling in this new syndrome.

Mots clés

ELP1, cancer predisposition syndrome, medulloblastoma, pathogenic variant


Neurooncol Adv. 2024 05 15;6(1):vdae075