[The possible contribution of community pharmacist upstream of drug prescription in France: An experiment of practice groups between general practitioners and community pharmacists].

Fiche publication

Date publication

mai 2023


Annales pharmaceutiques francaises


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr PEYRON Christine

Tous les auteurs :
Macé F, Peyron C


The implementation of practice groups between general practitioners and community pharmacists in several European countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland) emphasizes the possible and relevant role of the community pharmacist upstream of drug prescription. In these groups, the pharmacist provides knowledge and faciltates pluriprofessional exchanges on prescription practices. This research assesses the potential of implementing these practice groups in France.

Mots clés

Community pharmacist, Drug prescription, Groupes de pratique, Interprofessional collaboration, Interprofessionnalité, Pharmacien d’officine, Practice groups, Prescription médicamenteuse, Primary healthcare, Soins primaires


Ann Pharm Fr. 2023 05;81(3):538-551