A mixed method feasibility and acceptability study of a flexible intervention based on acceptance and commitment therapy for patients with cancer.

Fiche publication

Date publication

juillet 2024


Frontiers in psychology


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Mme ADAM Virginie, Dr OMOROU Abdou Yacoubou

Tous les auteurs :
Bourgognon F, Bechet D, Huin-Schohn C, Strelow A, Demarche L, Guillou M, Adam V, Fall E, Omorou AY


This study aimed to propose an innovative, open, and circular program that combines acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and mindfulness practices. We assessed its feasibility, acceptability, and first signs of its effect on psychological wellbeing in cancer support treatment.

Mots clés

MAEva program, acceptance and commitment therapy, cancer, mindfulness, quality of life, stress


Front Psychol. 2024 07 3;15:1409308