Targeted therapy for intractable cancer on the basis of molecular profiles: An open-label, phase II basket trial (Long March Pathway).

Fiche publication

Date publication

février 2023


Frontiers in oncology


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :

Tous les auteurs :
Jiao XD, Qin BD, Wang Z, Liu K, Wu Y, Ling Y, Qin WX, Wang MM, Yuan LY, Barreto SG, Kim AW, Mak K, Li H, Xu YY, Qiu XM, Wu M, Jin M, Xu LC, Zhong Y, Yang H, Chen XQ, Zeng Y, Shi J, Zhu WY, Ding QQ, Jia W, Liu SF, Zhou JJ, Shen H, Yao SH, Guo ZJ, Li T, Zhou PJ, Dong XW, Lu WF, Coleman RL, Akce M, Akladios C, Puccetti F, Zang YS


We evaluated he effects of molecular guided-targeted therapy for intractable cancer. Also, the epidemiology of druggable gene alterations in Chinese population was investigated.

Mots clés

basket trial, gene alteration, intractable cancer, precision medicine, targeted therapy


Front Oncol. 2023 02 23;13:860711