Real-life nationwide characteristics and outcomes of small cell lung cancer over the last 20 years: Impact of immunotherapy on overall survival in a real-life setting.

Fiche publication

Date publication

août 2024


European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990)


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr DEBIEUVRE Didier, Pr MEYER Nicolas

Tous les auteurs :
Falchero L, Meyer N, Molinier O, Al Freijat F, Pegliasco H, Lecuyer E, Stoven L, Belmont L, Loutski S, Maincent C, Blanchet-Legens AS, Mairovitz A, Meniai F, Hominal S, Letierce A, Morel H, Debieuvre D


The KBP studies are real-life nationwide, prospective, multicenter cohort studies of patients diagnosed with primary lung cancer that have been conducted in French non-academic public hospitals each decade since 2000.

Mots clés

Chemoradiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, Non-academic public hospital, Radiotherapy, Real-world data, Small cell lung cancer


Eur J Cancer. 2024 08 14;210:114277