A bio-behavioral model of systemic inflammation at breast cancer diagnosis and fatigue of clinical importance two years later.

Fiche publication

Date publication

août 2024


Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr BERTAUT Aurélie

Tous les auteurs :
Di Meglio A, Havas J, Pagliuca M, Franzoi MA, Soldato D, Chiodi CK, Gillanders E, Dubuisson F, Camara-Clayette V, Pistilli B, Ribeiro J, Joly F, Cottu PH, Tredan O, Bertaut A, Ganz PA, Bower J, Partridge AH, Martin AL, Everhard S, Boyault S, Brutin S, André F, Michiels S, Pradon C, Vaz-Luis I


We aimed to generate a model of cancer-related fatigue (CRF) of clinical importance two years after diagnosis of breast cancer building on clinical and behavioral factors and integrating pre-treatment markers of systemic inflammation.

Mots clés

breast cancer, cancer-related fatigue, health behaviors, inflammatory markers, survivorship, symptom management


Ann Oncol. 2024 08 2;: