Tuning the planarity of [2 x 2] grids.

Fiche publication

Date publication

janvier 2013


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr LEHN Jean-Marie

Tous les auteurs :
Stefankiewicz AR, Harrowfield J, Madalan AM, Lehn JM


New [2 x 2] metallogrids derived from a ditopic ligand with terminal salicylaldimine binding sites giving six-membered chelate rings have been structurally characterised in order to determine the effect of ring size variation on the planarity of the core M-4 unit. Both the Zn-4 unit of the grid formed from the neutral ligand and the Fe-4 unit of the grid formed from the doubly deprotonated ligand are very close to planar, despite considerable differences in the coordination spheres of the two metal ions and the difference in their oxidation states (Zn(II), Fe(III)).


Crystengcomm. 2013;15(44):9128-34.