Cytotoxicity assessment of exfoliated MoS using primary human mast cells and the progenitor cell-derived mast cell line LAD2.

Fiche publication

Date publication

avril 2024


Nanoscale advances


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Dr BIANCO Alberto

Tous les auteurs :
Lin H, Del Rio Castillo AE, González VJ, Bonaccorso F, Vázquez E, Fadeel B, Bianco A


Molybdenum disulfide is an emerging 2D material with several potential applications in medicine. Therefore, it is crucial to ascertain its biocompatibility. Mast cells are immune cells that are found in many organs and tissues in contact with the extracellular environment, and can be cultured from progenitor cells present in the bone marrow. Given the long period required for differentiation and proliferation of primary mast cells, human mast cell lines have emerged as a tractable model for biological and toxicological studies. Here, we compare two types of industrial MoS using CD34-derived primary human mast cells and the LAD2 cell line. Minimal effects were observed on early-stage activation endpoints such as β-hexosaminidase release and expression of surface markers of mast cell activation. Transmission electron microscopy revealed limited uptake of the tested materials. Overall, MoS was found to be biocompatible, and the LAD2 cell line was validated as a useful model of mast cells.


Nanoscale Adv. 2024 04 30;6(9):2419-2430