Deciphering Natural Killer Cell Cytotoxicity Against Medulloblastoma in vitro and in vivo: Implications for Immunotherapy.

Fiche publication

Date publication

juin 2024


ImmunoTargets and therapy


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr BENSOUSSAN Danièle, Pr CHASTAGNER Pascal, Dr DUMAS Dominique, Dr VINCOURT Jean-Baptiste, Pr DECOT Véronique, Pr BOURA Cédric

Tous les auteurs :
Gauthier M, Pierson J, Moulin D, Mouginot M, Bourguignon V, Rhalloussi W, Vincourt JB, Dumas D, Bensoussan D, Chastagner P, Boura C, Decot V


Medulloblastoma (MB) is the most prevalent paediatric brain tumour. Despite improvements in patient survival with current treatment strategies, the quality of life of these patients remains poor owing to the sequelae and relapse risk. An alternative, or, in addition to the current standard treatment, could be considered immunotherapy, such as Natural Killer cells (NK). NK cells are cytotoxic innate lymphoid cells that play a major role in cancer immunosurveillance. To date, the mechanism of cytotoxicity of NK cells, especially regarding the steps of adhesion, conjugation, cytotoxic granule polarisation in the cell contact area, perforin and granzyme release in two and three dimensions, and therapeutic efficacy in vivo have not been precisely described.

Mots clés

adoptive transfer, cancer, immune cells, medulloblastoma


Immunotargets Ther. 2024 06 26;13:319-333