Targeting the liver clock improves fibrosis by restoring TGF-β signaling.

Fiche publication

Date publication

août 2024


Journal of hepatology


Membres identifiés du Cancéropôle Est :
Pr BAUMERT Thomas, Pr CHAMBON Pierre, Dr LUPBERGER Joachim, Pr PESSAUX Patrick, Dr MUKHERJI Atish, Dr CROUCHET Emilie

Tous les auteurs :
Crouchet E, Dachraoui M, Jühling F, Roehlen N, Oudot MA, Durand SC, Ponsolles C, Gadenne C, Meiss-Heydmann L, Moehlin J, Martin R, Brignon N, Del Zompo F, Teraoka Y, Aikata H, Abe-Chayama H, Chayama K, Saviano A, Heide D, Onea M, Geyer L, Wolf T, Felli E, Pessaux P, Heikenwälder M, Chambon P, Schuster C, Lupberger J, Mukherji A, Baumert TF


Liver fibrosis is the major driver for hepatocellular carcinoma and liver disease related death. Approved anti-fibrotic therapies are absent and compounds in development have limited efficacy. Increased TGF-β signaling drives collagen deposition by hepatic stellate cells (HSC)/myofibroblasts. Here, we aimed to dissect the role of the circadian clock (CC) in controlling TGF-β signaling and liver fibrosis.

Mots clés

Liver disease, MASLD, circadian clock, drug discovery, hepatic stellate cells, transcriptional regulation


J Hepatol. 2024 08 20;: